Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Announcing - 2011 IACA Bulletin and Analytical Product Contest Winners!

Each year, the IACA holds a contest for members to submit their fabulous analytical products for a chance to win! These are products that they’ve prepared in the course of the year which have been distributed within their respective agencies to assist in or in support of an investigation. The official announcements were made on site during the annual training conference which was held this year in Hyannis, MA. This is a follow-up notice to inform our entire membership body of the exciting results.

First, a huge thanks to all who participated in the 2011 IACA Bulletin and Analytical Products Contest! If you were not a winner this time, try again next year as there were some very outstanding product submissions.

This year’s products were judged by the following panel of judges: Stacie Snow, Ventura County SD (CA), Shefali Tripathi, Gainesville PD (FL) and Mary Bertuccelli, Scottsdale PD (AZ). It is important to note that if anyone entering the contest was from a judges respective agency, the judge was removed from judging that category and Albert Mesa, Ventura County SD (Interim Awards Committee Chair) stepped in as the alternate judge. Tiana Antul, Worchester PD (MA) was our conference committee liaison and assisted on site. Thank you so much everyone, for your contribution to this event!

The winners of the 2011 IACA Bulletin and Analytical Products Contest are as follows:

Charting Category:
1st - David McClocklin, Ontario Provincial Police (Canada)
2nd - Jessica LeBlanc, Fairfax Police Department (VA)
3rd - Michelle Comeau, Center for Public Safety Initiative (NY)

Intelligence Category:
1st - Adrian Martin, Rochester Police Department (NY)
2nd - Sabrina Potts, Shawnee Police Department (KS)
3rd - Kellen Crouse, Albany Crime Analysis Center (NY)

Statistical Category:
1st - Kyle Stoker, Raytown Police Department (MO)
2nd - Leslie Morris, Albany Crime Analysis Center (NY)
3rd - Crime Analysis Unit c/o Lt. Daniel Wagner, Cambridge Police Department (MA)

Mapping Category:
1st - Scott Peacock, Walmart Asset Protection Investigations (AR)
2nd - Jessica LeBlanc, Fairfax Police Department (VA)
3rd - Ailsa DeVictoria, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (CA)

Tactical Category:
1st - Mike Winslow, Scottsdale Police Department (AZ)
2nd - Anne-Laure Del Cerro, Albany Crime Analysis Center (NY)
3rd - Zarine Hussain, Naperville Police Department (IL)

I can't thank the judges and committee members enough for all the time and effort that went into the contest preparation & reviewing all the submissions. We received 72 submissions this year, I’m told it was the highest in the history of the contest.


If you are interested in seeing the winning products from this year’s bulletin contest, they are located on the IACA website.

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This information is found on the website under Events> Conference> Conference Presentations.
Search for: Year=2011, Category=Bulletins Contest
Some items, particularly those in the charting category are larger files and may take a while to download or open.

If you were a winner who did not attend the conference and have not yet received your certificate, or award (1st place winners), please contact me at . I look forward to increased participation in the contest next year!