Greetings, Colleagues!
Here is a short update from the IACA Board and Committee Chairs:
Vancouver Symposium: The agenda for the IACA Spring Symposium in Vancouver, BC, has been posted on the IACA website. Chair Stacy Belledin and her committee have assembled a collection of interesting and innovative topics, presented by crime analysis professionals with a variety of experience and education. Don't miss this exciting opportunity to gain new perspectives and to network with your peers! Register today!
IAIP Conference (Amsterdam, The Netherlands): The Vancouver symposium is not the IACA’s only move towards expanded internationalization this spring. At the end of March, IACA Vice President Susan Smith and Secretary Dawn Clausius will be representing the association at the International Academy for Investigative Psychology (IAIP) conference in Amsterdam where Susan will present a keynote address and Dawn will lead a breakout session. Here we hope to not only strengthen our presence in Europe, but to establish close ties to another organization with a compatible mission. Here is the link for more info:
Fundacion Paz Ciuadana (Santiago, Chile): In April, Vice President Ericka Jackson, Technology Director Jim Mallard, and President Christopher Bruce will travel to Santiago, Chile, to present a three-day workshop to more than 150 members of the country’s three major law enforcement organizations. The sponsors of this workshop, the Fundacion Paz Ciudadana, is helping to translate our literature into Spanish and to find key members in South American nations. And speaking of translations, Exploring Crime Analysis is currently being translated into Portuguese and Chinese for international publications.
IACA Professional Training Series: Training Chair Lakpinder Takhar announced the addition of a new course, "Advanced Crime Mapping" which is being offered in late August in Westfield, Massachusetts. Find out more about this and several other classes currently listed on the IACA website at
MAPS Conference: NIJ's Crime Mapping Research Conference, "MAPS" is being held April 13-15, 2011 in Miami Florida. There is no charge for the conference (registration is free). Three (3) of the pre-conference classes are being taught and assisted by IACA members including President Chris Bruce, 2011 Conference Chair Mary Craige, Secretary Dawn Clausius, and members Trina Cook and Phil Mielke. You can find out more about the conference at
CAU Development Center: The Development Center, unveiled several months ago, is now one of the most popular pieces of the IACA website. Here you can find out about setting up a new unit, resources for analysts and lots of frequently asked questions with answers. Check it out at
The IACA 2011 Annual Training Conference: Chair Mary Craige and her committee are already hard at work on the 2011 Conference in Hyannis, Massachusetts (Cape Cod). They've even made a Facebook page to join (IACA MACA 2011 Conference). Find out more about the conference at
The new Standards, Methods and Technology Commission: Led by Jason Elder, Cinncinnatti PD, and with the support of Derek Paulsen, Chris Delaney and Matt Harris, this newly formed group has completed their Charter and is anxious to begin their work in developing and publishing "white papers" which will further define our profession. For more information, email Jason at
We are also in the beginning stages of developing a Mentoring Program for analysts and starting our IACA Annual Training Conference 2012 city / hotel search. More to come on both topics!
We hope all is well with you. Please do not hesistate to contact any board member with questions, concerns and suggestions.
Susan C. Smith, BS (hons.), MBA
Certified Law Enforcement Analyst (CLEA)
Crime Analyst, Shawnee Police (
Vice President of Administration, IACA (
Past President, MARCAN (
Office (913) 742-6815
Cell (913) 302-4455